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识别准确性和响应时间既批判性均在建筑实际脑电图(EEG)的脑电电脑界面(BCI)领先期。然而,最近的方法在分类准确度或响应时间内损害。本文提出了一种新颖的深度学习方法,旨在基于头皮EEG的显着准确和敏感的电动机图像(MI)识别。双向长期内存(BILSTM),带有注意机制管理,从原始EEG信号中导出相关特征。连接的图形卷积神经网络(GCN)通过与来自整体数据的拓扑结构协作来促进解码性能。 0.4-第二检测框架显着基于个体和群体培训的有效和有效的预测,分别具有98.81%和94.64%的准确性,这取得了卓越的所有最先进的研究。引入的深度特征挖掘方法可以精确地识别来自原始EEG信号的人类运动意图,该信号铺设了将基于EEG的MI识别转换为实用BCI系统。
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In this paper, we propose a novel framework dubbed peer learning to deal with the problem of biased scene graph generation (SGG). This framework uses predicate sampling and consensus voting (PSCV) to encourage different peers to learn from each other, improving model diversity and mitigating bias in SGG. To address the heavily long-tailed distribution of predicate classes, we propose to use predicate sampling to divide and conquer this issue. As a result, the model is less biased and makes more balanced predicate predictions. Specifically, one peer may not be sufficiently diverse to discriminate between different levels of predicate distributions. Therefore, we sample the data distribution based on frequency of predicates into sub-distributions, selecting head, body, and tail classes to combine and feed to different peers as complementary predicate knowledge during the training process. The complementary predicate knowledge of these peers is then ensembled utilizing a consensus voting strategy, which simulates a civilized voting process in our society that emphasizes the majority opinion and diminishes the minority opinion. This approach ensures that the learned representations of each peer are optimally adapted to the various data distributions. Extensive experiments on the Visual Genome dataset demonstrate that PSCV outperforms previous methods. We have established a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) on the SGCls task by achieving a mean of \textbf{31.6}.
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Audio-Visual scene understanding is a challenging problem due to the unstructured spatial-temporal relations that exist in the audio signals and spatial layouts of different objects and various texture patterns in the visual images. Recently, many studies have focused on abstracting features from convolutional neural networks while the learning of explicit semantically relevant frames of sound signals and visual images has been overlooked. To this end, we present an end-to-end framework, namely attentional graph convolutional network (AGCN), for structure-aware audio-visual scene representation. First, the spectrogram of sound and input image is processed by a backbone network for feature extraction. Then, to build multi-scale hierarchical information of input features, we utilize an attention fusion mechanism to aggregate features from multiple layers of the backbone network. Notably, to well represent the salient regions and contextual information of audio-visual inputs, the salient acoustic graph (SAG) and contextual acoustic graph (CAG), salient visual graph (SVG), and contextual visual graph (CVG) are constructed for the audio-visual scene representation. Finally, the constructed graphs pass through a graph convolutional network for structure-aware audio-visual scene recognition. Extensive experimental results on the audio, visual and audio-visual scene recognition datasets show that promising results have been achieved by the AGCN methods. Visualizing graphs on the spectrograms and images have been presented to show the effectiveness of proposed CAG/SAG and CVG/SVG that could focus on the salient and semantic relevant regions.
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Coverage path planning is a major application for mobile robots, which requires robots to move along a planned path to cover the entire map. For large-scale tasks, coverage path planning benefits greatly from multiple robots. In this paper, we describe Turn-minimizing Multirobot Spanning Tree Coverage Star(TMSTC*), an improved multirobot coverage path planning (mCPP) algorithm based on the MSTC*. Our algorithm partitions the map into minimum bricks as tree's branches and thereby transforms the problem into finding the maximum independent set of bipartite graph. We then connect bricks with greedy strategy to form a tree, aiming to reduce the number of turns of corresponding circumnavigating coverage path. Our experimental results show that our approach enables multiple robots to make fewer turns and thus complete terrain coverage tasks faster than other popular algorithms.
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Most existing methods realize 3D instance segmentation by extending those models used for 3D object detection or 3D semantic segmentation. However, these non-straightforward methods suffer from two drawbacks: 1) Imprecise bounding boxes or unsatisfactory semantic predictions limit the performance of the overall 3D instance segmentation framework. 2) Existing method requires a time-consuming intermediate step of aggregation. To address these issues, this paper proposes a novel end-to-end 3D instance segmentation method based on Superpoint Transformer, named as SPFormer. It groups potential features from point clouds into superpoints, and directly predicts instances through query vectors without relying on the results of object detection or semantic segmentation. The key step in this framework is a novel query decoder with transformers that can capture the instance information through the superpoint cross-attention mechanism and generate the superpoint masks of the instances. Through bipartite matching based on superpoint masks, SPFormer can implement the network training without the intermediate aggregation step, which accelerates the network. Extensive experiments on ScanNetv2 and S3DIS benchmarks verify that our method is concise yet efficient. Notably, SPFormer exceeds compared state-of-the-art methods by 4.3% on ScanNetv2 hidden test set in terms of mAP and keeps fast inference speed (247ms per frame) simultaneously. Code is available at https://github.com/sunjiahao1999/SPFormer.
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Practices in the built environment have become more digitalized with the rapid development of modern design and construction technologies. However, the requirement of practitioners or scholars to gather complicated professional knowledge in the built environment has not been satisfied yet. In this paper, more than 80,000 paper abstracts in the built environment field were obtained to build a knowledge graph, a knowledge base storing entities and their connective relations in a graph-structured data model. To ensure the retrieval accuracy of the entities and relations in the knowledge graph, two well-annotated datasets have been created, containing 2,000 instances and 1,450 instances each in 29 relations for the named entity recognition task and relation extraction task respectively. These two tasks were solved by two BERT-based models trained on the proposed dataset. Both models attained an accuracy above 85% on these two tasks. More than 200,000 high-quality relations and entities were obtained using these models to extract all abstract data. Finally, this knowledge graph is presented as a self-developed visualization system to reveal relations between various entities in the domain. Both the source code and the annotated dataset can be found here: https://github.com/HKUST-KnowComp/BEKG.
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The recent prevalence of pretrained language models (PLMs) has dramatically shifted the paradigm of semantic parsing, where the mapping from natural language utterances to structured logical forms is now formulated as a Seq2Seq task. Despite the promising performance, previous PLM-based approaches often suffer from hallucination problems due to their negligence of the structural information contained in the sentence, which essentially constitutes the key semantics of the logical forms. Furthermore, most works treat PLM as a black box in which the generation process of the target logical form is hidden beneath the decoder modules, which greatly hinders the model's intrinsic interpretability. To address these two issues, we propose to incorporate the current PLMs with a hierarchical decoder network. By taking the first-principle structures as the semantic anchors, we propose two novel intermediate supervision tasks, namely Semantic Anchor Extraction and Semantic Anchor Alignment, for training the hierarchical decoders and probing the model intermediate representations in a self-adaptive manner alongside the fine-tuning process. We conduct intensive experiments on several semantic parsing benchmarks and demonstrate that our approach can consistently outperform the baselines. More importantly, by analyzing the intermediate representations of the hierarchical decoders, our approach also makes a huge step toward the intrinsic interpretability of PLMs in the domain of semantic parsing.
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图形神经网络(GNN)是用于建模图数据的流行机器学习方法。许多GNN在同质图上表现良好,同时在异质图上表现不佳。最近,一些研究人员将注意力转移到设计GNN,以通过调整消息传递机制或扩大消息传递的接收场来设计GNN。与从模型设计的角度来减轻异性疾病问题的现有作品不同,我们建议通过重新布线结构来从正交角度研究异质图,以减少异质性并使传统GNN的表现更好。通过全面的经验研究和分析,我们验证了重新布线方法的潜力。为了充分利用其潜力,我们提出了一种名为Deep Hertophilly Graph Rewiring(DHGR)的方法,以通过添加同粒子边缘和修剪异质边缘来重新线图。通过比较节点邻居的标签/特征 - 分布的相似性来确定重新布线的详细方法。此外,我们为DHGR设计了可扩展的实现,以确保高效率。 DHRG可以轻松地用作任何GNN的插件模块,即图形预处理步骤,包括同型和异性的GNN,以提高其在节点分类任务上的性能。据我们所知,这是研究图形的第一部重新绘图图形的作品。在11个公共图数据集上进行的广泛实验证明了我们提出的方法的优势。
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